Las #BiblioSesiones y cursos de la Biblioteca del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada

efylvnoxsaure1mPara terminar el año, desde la Biblioteca HUF hemos organizado un trimestre con mucha formación. Además de nuestras habituales #BiblioSesiones (tercer viernes de cada mes a las 8:00 h.), se ofrecen varios cursos cortos sobre diversos temas relacionados con las fuentes y la búsqueda de información.

En octubre tenemos programada una bibliosesión sobre Mendeley (día 18, a las 8:00 h., en el aula 6, la de ordenadores). Vendrá Patricia Zevallos, de Elsevier, para hablarnos de este gestor bibliográfico, incorporado este año a la licencia de compra que la Consejería de Sanidad mantiene con la empresa Elsevier (Clinical Key, Embase, Fisterra, etc.). A las habituales prestaciones de los gestores bibliográficos como Zotero o EndNote, Mendeley suma una gran potencialidad en las redes sociales y almétricas. Os esperamos, ya sabéis que para las #BiblioSesiones no hace falta inscripción.

Además en octubre, y en horario de tarde (15:30 h., en el aula 6), se han organizado los mini cursos: Búsqueda de información en bases de datos bibliográficas. Pubmed, Embase, Dialnet, Apoyo a la práctica asistencial, investigadora y docente de la biblioteca HUF, Dónde y cómo buscar información y organizar lo encontrado en la era de Internet dentro de la oferta de cursos de formación continuada de la Dirección de RRHH del HUF.

Para noviembre, la bibliosesión está organizada para el día 15 (a las 8:00 h. en el aula 6). Recibiremos al director de Cochrane Madrid, Jesús López Alcalde, que nos hablará del nuevo centro, de posibilidades de participar en grupos, de cómo publicar revisiones sistemáticas Cochrane, etc.

En cuanto a cursos, por la tarde, en noviembre ofrecemos: Gestión de referencias bibliográficas: Zotero, Impacto y posicionamiento en el ámbito científico: Métricas, Dónde publicar y cómo: Identidad científica y selección de la revista adecuada.

Nuevas incorporaciones a Dialnet de revistas de Ciencias de la Salud

dialnetplus.png.pagespeed.ce.eprjFLfjG_[2]A través del servicio de alertas de Dialnet Plus tenemos constancia de que se han incorporado a la base de datos las siguientes publicaciones seriadas:

  • Autonomía personal. Editores: Ministerio de Trabajo e inmigración: Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales (IMSERSO). ISSN: 2172-3206
  • Gimbernat: Revista d’Història de la Medicina i de les Ciències de la Salut. Editores: Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya. ISSN: 2385-4200

Como en ocasiones anteriores, os recordamos que los usuarios de la Biblioteca HUF tenéis un acceso privilegiado a Dialnet, a través del A17, por ser institución colaboradora.

El impacto de UpToDate en España y ventajas de UpToDate Anywhere

El Impacto de UpToDate en Espana

Desde UpTpDate nos envían información relativa al uso que se está realizando a través de la licencia nacional contratada por el Ministerio de Sanidad.

UpToDate es el principal recurso de apoyo para la toma de decisiones médicas basado en evidencias y utilizado en más de 29.000 instituciones de todo el mundo. Se encuentra disponible en el portal de recursos de la Biblioteca HUF. En los centros del SNS se hacen más de 80.000 búsquedas cada semana. UpToDate ofrece una síntesis de la mejor evidencia disponible en más de 25 especialidades y es utilizado por diversos grupos de profesionales sanitarios del SNS (médicos, enfermeros, farmacéuticos, terapeutas, etc.).

La suscripción a UpToDate Anywhere conlleva numerosas ventajas a las que podrá acceder cuando se registre para obtener una cuenta personal “Mi UpToDate”. Entre dichas ventajas se incluyen:

Memoria Científica 2018 del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada

Hospital-Uni-de-Fuenla_272xComo cada año, la Biblioteca del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada (HUF) se ha encargado de localizar, compilar y documentar la producción científica realizada por sus profesionales, independientemente de su categoría y ocupación dentro de la organización, para poder publicar la Memoria Científica 2018. La publicación está disponible en:

Este esfuerzo de sistematización en la recogida de información pretende, además, reconocer la labor de todos los profesionales del HUF en 2018 que, con sus 628 trabajos y actividades, han representado y difundido su investigación en diferentes revistas y foros científicos. También, el HUF ha tenido éxito en 21 convocatorias de concurrencia competitiva, entre concesiones y prórrogas. Además se han realizado 81 iniciativas de investigación, financiadas o no, incluyendo participaciones en 4 redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa (RETICs). Por otro lado, se han firmado contratos de prestación de servicios para actividades de I+D+i para otros centros, así como convenios/contratos de prestación de servicios para actividades de I+D+i para otros centros. El HUF lidera ya además cuatro grupos de investigación emergentes acreditados en IdiPAZ.

Continuando con el planteamiento de la memoria de 2017, y en la estela del debate profesional sobre los indicadores bibliométricos desarrollado en listas de distribución y foros varios y siguiendo también el nuevo planteamiento del Observatorio de resultados del Servicio Madrileño de Salud, se han eliminado indicadores como el factor de impacto (FI) medio y global, optándose por medidas reales de citas recibidas en vez de las medidas esperadas como en años anteriores. La tendencia a publicar en revistas de mayor visibilidad en distintos índices (JCR, Dialnet, SJR, MIAR) sigue mejorando y el Índice H de la organización se sitúa ya en 45.

Como prologuista, nuestra estrella invitada de cada edición, este año hemos contado con el coordinador de enganCHADos, el Dr. Javier de la Torre, pues el proyecto aparece ya con sección propia. Cualquier plataforma es buena para destacar lo que se está consiguiendo con el hermanamiento entre el HUF y el Hospital St. Joseph de Bebedjia (Chad) en una iniciativa totalmente innovadora en la sanidad madrileña y que no deja de crecer, también en su dimensión investigadora.


Nuevas incorporaciones a la base de datos del Joanna Briggs Institute (Julio 2019)

JBI banner

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the prevention or prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in cancer patients?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effects of family visiting policies on patients, families and staff in hospital intensive care units (ICUs)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding measures to assess sleep in the intensive care unit?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding nutritional management for people diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding fluid restrictions for patients with chronic heart failure?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of skin cancer?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding dietary sodium restrictions for patients with chronic heart failure?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the risk of toxicity and adverse effects associated with immune checkpoint inhibitor use in cancer patients?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding staff perspectives of physical restraint in home and residential aged care?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding assessment of alcohol use disorder?

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Implementation Report

PICO Question: To implement an evidence-based practice to assess and manage lung cancerassociated cough, thereby relieving patients’ physical pain and psychological challenges and improving their quality of life.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Implementation Report

PICO Question: to evaluate the current practice and implement best practice related to enhanced recovery after surgery nutrition care protocols amongst elective colorectal surgery patients at Calvary North Adelaide Hospital and to improve outcomes regarding length of hospital stay and rate of unplanned
readmissions within 28-days.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: s to synthesize evidence on the experiences and perceptions of spousal/partner caregivers of community-dwelling adults with dementia.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, July 2019

Systematic Review

PICO Question: to identify associations between premorbid neuropsychological conditions and pediatric mild traumatic brain injury/concussion recovery time and symptom severity.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, July 2019

Implementation Report

Implementation Report
PICO Question: to improve safety by averting post-operative respiratory events in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) through early detection of compromise during recovery from anesthesia. Specific objectives focused on implementing nurse-initiated capnography monitoring of patients with OSA in two postanesthesia care units and, when indicated, expediently communicating abnormal end-tidal carbon dioxide


JBI footer


Novedades en Clinical Key


La plataforma de contenidos de Elsevier Clinical Key (disponible a través de la BVCSCM en nuestra página web) permanece en continua evolución y ahora nos comunican las últimas incorporaciones en libros electrónicos:

Paralelamente se han eliminado de la colección:

Y estas dos revistas:

  • HIV & AIDS Review. Transferida a otro editor
  • International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Transferida a otro editor


Nuevas incorporaciones a la base de datos del Joanna Briggs Institute (Junio 2019)

JBI banner

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions for nurses?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding individual dietary teaching compared to group teaching for HGa1c control in newly diagnosed adults with type 2 diabetes?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of social media platforms to promote cancer awareness and prevention strategies?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of decision aids for men deciding whether to undergo prostate cancer screening or not?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the association between attempted suicide and obesity in adults?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the risk of completed suicide and obesity in adults?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding office blood pressure monitoring compared with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in adults?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding long-term topical corticosteroid use and risk of skin cancer?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of eye drops containing antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers in the treatment of patients with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding efficacy and safety of a high-concentration capsaicin dermal patch compared with placebo or oral analgesic agents in the treatment of patients with chronic
neuropathic pain?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the maintenance of chest drains?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the benefits of exercise for the management of depression in stroke?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the benefits of exercise for the management of depression in patients with heart failure?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in cancer patients?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding risk and prevention of post-operative urinary retention (POUR)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the assessment and diagnosis of acute urinary retention post removal of a short term urinary catheter after surgery?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of catheterization for the treatment of post-operative urinary retention (POUR)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to postoperative discharge and follow-up care of a patient with a fecal or urinary ostomy?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to preoperative care of the patient undergoing a fecal or urinary ostomy?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to preoperative site markings for patients undergoing a fecal or urinary ostomy?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of non-pharmacological treatments for post-operative urinary retention (POUR)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of pharmacological treatments for post-operative urinary retention (POUR)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the prevention and management of CVAD-related contact dermatitis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding diagnostic methods for renal colic?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding pain management strategies for renal colic?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding effective deprescribing practices for adults 65 years and over?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding decision making tools used as deprescribing strategies with older people?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding health practitioners’ perspectives to deprescribing?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding older patients’ attitudes to deprescribing?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding continuation or deprescribing of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for adults aged 65 years and over?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the risks involved in drawing blood using a peripheral intravenous catheter/cannula (PIVC)?

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To determine the effectiveness of non-pharmacological and non-surgical
interventions on the impact of rheumatoid arthritis.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To assess the association between quality indicators used to evaluate
individual colonoscopist performance and subsequent interval colorectal cancers (CRCs) in patients participating in
bowel cancer screening programs.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, June 2019

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To explore the information needs and information seeking
behaviors of patients and families from healthcare providers in acute healthcare settings in existing literature.
JBI footer

Ya está disponible el JCR 2019

1200px-clarivate_analytics.svg_El Journal Citation Reports 2019, correspondiente al análisis de las revistas de la Web of Science en 2018, ya está disponible. Tenéis un acceso directo desde la web de la Biblioteca, en el apartado Otras BBDD. Además se han organizado dos webinars gratuitos en los próximos días sobre este recurso:

  • Webinar One: Journal Citation Reports: 2019 update, June 27, 20:00 h., Register
  • Webinar Two: Journal Citation Reports: 2019 update, July 1, 12.30 h., Register

Jornada Científica «Hacer lo que hay que hacer y dejar de hacer lo que no hay que hacer» @GuiaSalud

logo-icono-84x100_400x400GuíaSalud organiza la Jornada científica Hacer lo que hay que hacer y dejar de hacer lo que no hay que hacer, que tendrá lugar el miércoles 26 de junio de 2019 en el Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (Salón de Actos Ernest Lluch | Paseo del Prado, 18-20. Madrid).

La Jornada está organizada por la Dirección General de Salud Pública, Calidad e Innovación del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (MSCBS) en colaboración con el Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud como Secretaría de GuíaSalud. El objetivo de esta actividad es debatir sobre las dificultades de implementar los cambios que se derivan de la evidencia científica en la práctica clínica, con el fin de proporcionar una mejor asistencia a los pacientes.

La Jornada es gratuita, pero es necesario inscribirse en la misma en el siguiente enlace del portal GuíaSalud.

Anulación de las normas UNE-ISO 10001:2008 y UNE-ISO 10004:2015 de directrices para la satisfacción del cliente

AENORmasNos informan desde AENOR que se han anulado las siguientes normas del módulo de  gestión hospitalaria en AENORmás (servicio de consulta de normas disponible desde la web de la BibliotecaHUF):

  • UNE-ISO 10001:2008. Gestión de la calidad. Satisfacción del cliente. Directrices para los códigos de conducta de las organizaciones.
  • UNE-ISO 10004:2015. Gestión de la calidad. Satisfacción del cliente. Directrices para el seguimiento y la medición.

Incorporaciones a la base de datos JBI en mayo 2019

New JBI Reports, Mayo 2019

JBI banner

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding social media interventions in cancer patients?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding social media use in cancer patients?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the practice of obtaining informed consent associated with providing care for older people in residential aged care settings?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the placement of direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (DPEJ) tubes used to provide nutrition and medication support in clinical practice?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the screening, assessment and management for delirium in adults?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding exercise prescription for breast cancer patients and survivors?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of renin angiotensin system blockers such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor blockers in preventing end stage renal disease, reducing cardiovascular events and mortality among diabetes patients with
hypertension and albuminuria?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of bariatric metabolic surgery in the treatment of patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of bariatric metabolic surgery in the treatment of obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment with glucagonlike peptide1 receptor agonists for plasma glucose control in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effects of home-based care compared to traditional, hospital-based care in newly diagnosed children and adolescents with a stable clinical condition?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of balanced crystalloid (Ringer’s solution) compared to colloid (isotonic saline solutions or 0.9% normal saline) solutions in the
management of children with diabetic ketoacidosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate in the management of acute metabolic acidosis in children with diabetic ketoacidosis?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of balanced crystalloid (Plasma-Lyte A) compared to colloid (isotonic saline solutions or 0.9% normal saline) solutions for fluid resuscitation of
patients with diabetic ketoacidosis?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate in the management of acute metabolic acidosis in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effects of real-time continuous glucose monitoring compared to standard self-monitoring in children and adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of an esophageal heat exchange device to prevent hypothermia and hyperpyrexia in severely burned patients treated in intensive care settings?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of intravascular temperature regulating catheters to prevent perioperative hypothermia in severely burned patients undergoing major burns surgery?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment with oral aspirin for healing of chronic wounds/ulcers in the lower extremity?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the assessment of chronic wounds?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the association between a total duration of breastfeeding for each child throughout reproductive years on bone mineral density after menopause and consequent
osteoporosis risk?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the risk of osteoporosis related to an advanced maternal age at childbirth?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the association between a total number of pregnancies that a woman has carried throughout her reproductive years on bone mineral density after menopause and
consequent osteoporosis risk?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the association of excessive alcohol consumption with low bone mineral density and risk of osteoporotic fractures?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the association of cigarette smoking with low bone mineral density and risk of osteoporotic bone fractures?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the accuracy of bone mineral density measurement tests to diagnose osteoporosis in patients who are at increased risk for osteoporotic fracture?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of epidural analgesia compared with other forms of pain relief in healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy giving births in hospital settings?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of intravenous remifentanil compared with epidural or opioid analgesia for labor pain relief in women undergoing vaginal delivery?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of intermittent subcutaneous versus intravenous opioid administration in the management of cancer pain?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding bone marrow specimen quality obtained using a powered bone marrow biopsy device compared to a manual approach in patients with hematological disorders?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding non-pharmacological management of chemotherapy drug extravasation?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the surgical management of chemotherapy drug extravasation?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding pharmacological management of chemotherapy drug extravasation?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of dietary supplements in people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of micronutrient dietary supplements in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding nutrition education and counselling interventions in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding extracorporeal shock wave therapy for burn scars?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding extracorporeal shock wave therapy for acute burn wounds?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions for treating chronic pain in older adults?

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, May 2019

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To identify, critically appraise and synthesize the best available qualitative evidence to understand the lived experiences of parents and carers caring for a child aged 0–18 years with asthma in any setting and managing their condition.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, May 2019

Implementation Report

PICO Question: Asthma is one of the most common diseases in children. A self-management program can effectively improve the outcomes for children with asthma and reduce the burden on healthcare services.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, May 2019

Implementation Report

PICO Question: To improve clinical nursing handovers between registered nurses.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To identify the effectiveness of breast massage as a treatment for women with breastfeeding problems. More specifically, the objective was to identify if breast massage as an intervention led to less pain or increased milk supply, or assisted in a reduction or resolution of blocked ducts, breast engorgement and mastitis.


JBI footer



#BiblioSesiones 13 ¿Crees que lo sabes todo sobre @UpToDate?

uptodateEl próximo viernes 17 de mayo tiene lugar la bibliosesión ¿Crees que lo sabes todo sobre UpToDate? El objetivo de la sesión es ayudar a los usuarios del HUF en su desarrollo profesional a través de los contenidos, herramientas y servicios que ofrece UpToDate, recurso de evidencia sobradamente conocido, contratado por el Ministerio de Sanidad con licencia nacional para el SNS administrada por la Biblioteca Virtual de la Consejería de Sanidad para la Comunidad de Madrid. Siempre queda algo por saber y explotar de cualquier recurso electrónico, incluso del tan utilizado UpToDate…

Como siempre, nos vemos en el Aula 6 (pasillo F) a las 8:10 h. El material será subido a posteriori al blog de la Biblioteca HUF. ¡Os esperamos!

Incorporaciones a la base de datos JBI en abril 2019

New JBI Reports, April 2019

JBI banner

Recommended Practice

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (CCBT) for the treatment of depression in older people?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effects of exercise during chemotherapy in cancer patients?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding surgical management for people with pancreatic cancer?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding prehabilitation for patients diagnosed with cancer?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment with Chinese herbal medicine to improve bone mineral density and prevent fractures in patients with osteoporosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatment applied independently or as an adjunct to conventional medicine in management of elderly patients with osteoporosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of systemic hormone replacement therapy for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatment with alendronate to improve bone mineral density and prevent fractures in elderly men diagnosed with primary osteoporosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatment with romsozumab to improve bone mineral density and prevent fractures in postmenopausal women diagnosed with primary osteoporosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effects of vitamin D supplements, taken with or without calcium supplements, for preventing fractures in postmenopausal women and older men living in the community?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding appropriate transfer and discharge of a patient infected or colonized with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within a hospital setting?
Recommended Practice

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of contact precaution methods for patients with infected or colonized methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of manual therapy for managing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the management of adhesive capsulitis?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the management of calcific tendinitis of the shoulder?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the detection and diagnosis of chemotherapy drug extravasation?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to barriers for participation and adherence to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to the harms and benefits of cannabis use in relation to cardiovascular risk factors and clinical outcomes?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation delivered in any setting (inpatient, outpatient, community or home based) and its impact on patient outcomes?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of topical medication to reduce the incidence of radial artery spasm (RAS) in patients undergoing transradial coronary procedures?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence related to the effectiveness of psychological interventions delivered as part of secondary prevention or rehabilitation to adults with coronary heart disease (CHD) to improve clinical outcomes?
Evidence Summary

PICO Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the recommended procedures for the removal and reinsertion of dentures?

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To synthesize the effectiveness and strategies used in family-based behavioral childhood obesity interventions in improving child weight-related outcomes.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To evaluate the effectiveness of cross-sex hormone use in improving quality of life and the related measures of depression and anxiety in the transgender population versus no use of cross-sex hormones.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To identify, evaluate and synthesize evidence of the effectiveness of vibratory stimulation to reduce needle-related procedural pain in children aged 18 years and younger.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To determine if there was an association between maternal exposure to pollutant particulate matter 2.5 during the first trimester of pregnancy and congenital heart defects within the first year of life.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To examine the effectiveness of patient education using avatar-based technology on knowledge and self-care behaviors in patients with chronic disease.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To synthesize the evidence on new mothers’ and fathers’ experiences of postpartum depression (PPD).

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To identify, evaluate and synthesize existing qualitative evidence on the experiences of HIV-infected adults with healthcare systems/practices/processes, and the experiences of healthcare providers (of the HIV-infected adults) with healthcare systems/practices/processes that impact engagement in primary healthcare settings in the United States (US).

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Implementation Report

PICO Question: To promote evidence based practice in the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in the neurology and neurosurgery units of a Taipei hospital.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To evaluate the effectiveness of high fidelity simulation (HFS) versus low fidelity simulation (LFS) on practical/clinical skill development in pre-registration physiotherapy students.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, Publish ahead of print

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To examine and map the range of vocational rehabilitation available for emergency services personnel.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, April 2019

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To examine the economic cost of robotic therapy compared to conventional therapy for adult stroke patients, from the perspective of hospitals.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, April 2019

Systematic Review

PICO Question: To synthesize the best available qualitative evidence on the experiences and preferences of people with Parkinson’s disease for physical activity, their perceived motivators and barriers to engagement, as well as their views on support mechanisms and behavior change interventions designed to sustain participation.

JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
, April 2019

Implementation Report

PICO Question: To implement evidence-based recommendations for post-surgical pain management and improve quality of care for patients.


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Vídeos formativos sobre Clinical Key

CKYa se han colgado en el Centro de Recursos de Elsevier los links de las sesiones online sobre varios aspectos de Clinical Key:


#BiblioSesiones 12. OVID: múltiples y variados recursos desde una misma interfaz

ovidEl próximo viernes 26 de abril tiene lugar la bibliosesión OVID: múltiples y variados recursos desde una misma interfaz. El objetivo de la sesión es ayudar a los usuarios del HUF en su desarrollo profesional a través de los contenidos, herramientas y servicios contratados con Ovid. La plataforma Ovid, disponible desde la creción de la Biblioteca HUF, permite enfocar en la evidencia científica para la educación continuada y la toma de decisiones y es de las plataformas de búsqueda bibliográfica más utilizadas a nivel mundial (presente en 152 países).

Búsquedas complejas en MEDLINE, acceso a revistas y libros electrónicos, consulta de la base de datos de evidencia Joanna Briggs Institute, servicios de alerta a medida… son algunos de los recursos y servicios que tenemos disponibles en la plataforma OVID a través de la Biblioteca Virtual de la Consejería de Sanidad y del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada.

Como siempre, nos vemos en el Aula 6 (pasillo F) a las 8:10 h. El material será subido a posteriori al blog de la Biblioteca HUF. ¡Os esperamos!

Nueva versión de UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 «Tecnologías de la información. Gestión de Servicios. Parte 1: Requisitos del Sistema de Gestión de Servicios (SGS)»

AENORmasDesde AENORmás nos informan que se ha actualizado una de las normas que tenemos accesible dentro de la colección de Gestión de hospitales: UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 «Tecnologías de la información. Gestión de Servicios. Parte 1: Requisitos del Sistema de Gestión de Servicios (SGS)». Recordad que el acceso, aunque solo con un usuario simultáneo, está disponible a través de nuestra web A17.

Webinars @ClinicalKey: sesiones formativas cortas y en distintos horarios

CKLos días 26, 27 y 28 de Marzo se llevarán a cabo webinars de ClinicalKey en 3 horarios diferentes para cubrir tanto España como Latinoamérica. Para los usuarios de la Biblioteca HUF los horarios serán:

26 de Marzo – Descubra los Clinical Overviews con ClinicalKey 

  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 8:30am   Clic aquí
  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 13:30hs   Clic aquí
  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 22:30hs   Clic aquí

27 de Marzo – El aporte de ClinicalKey a la Educación al Paciente

28 de Marzo – Procedimientos clìnicos con ClinicalKey y su aplicación. 

  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 8:30am  Clic aquí
  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 13:30hs  Clic aquí
  • Registro de Participantes – MADRID 22:30hs  Clic aquí

Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos de duración y cada día se tratará el mismo tema en horarios diferentes. Selecciona el horario que mejor te venga, hay que inscribirse en los links que aparecen en cada uno de los diferentes horarios. Cualquier pregunta, por favor no dudeis en contactar con la la biblioteca.

BiblioSesiones 11: Gestión de la producción científica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada

posterbibliosalud201426El próximo viernes 15 de marzo tiene lugar la bibliosesión Gestión de la producción científica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Hablaremos sobre el conocimiento generado en nuestro hospital y su difusión a través de publicaciones y comunicaciones a congresos. Os contaremos el procedimiento que seguimos desde la recopilación de trabajos hasta la publicación de la Memoria Científica anual y también cómo mejorar la exhaustividad del proceso con la aportación de todos (lo que incluye desde el cómo firmamos nuestros trabajos hasta la comunicación interna en cada ocasión que realizais alguna actividad científica).

Como siempre, nos vemos en el Aula 6 (pasillo F) a las 8:10 h. El material será subido a posteriori al blog de la Biblioteca HUF. ¡Os esperamos!

Dos nuevos títulos de revistas de salud en Dialnet

dialnetplus.png.pagespeed.ce.eprjFLfjG_[2]Sigue incrementándose el número de revistas indizadas en Dialnet sobre la temática de Ciencias de la Salud:

Os recordamos que los usuarios de la Biblioteca HUF tienen un acceso privilegiado a esta base de datos pues somos entidad colaboradora dentro del proyecto ¡aprovechad!